Summer 2019 Product Release

What’s Included in this Release

For iTimekeep (Desktop)

Accomplish your tasks on your terms, thanks to Enhanced Navigation

See what you want to see, when you want to see it with customizable views based on your timekeeping preferences and add time from any view with one click! You can instantaneously glide between the Calendar, Dashboard, Timers and My Time views instantaneously. Whether you are a contemporaneous timekeeper, or somewhere in between, we are providing you with the flexibility to adapt based on your needs.

Easily drill down, add entries, and print in one Supercharged Calendar View

We’ve made it easier to be in control of your time, whether it’s on a monthly or daily basis. Timekeepers now have the ability to view the timecards for a given day through the calendar view, and then edit or add time as needed, day by day, from the same screen. And of course, you can print too!

Stats is front and center in the New Dashboard

You may not keep your time, but you have to know your time. What’s measured, improves. Therefore, we’re giving you the same helpful insights on your timekeeping performance that you know as stats, in a central location in the Dashboard, any month, any week or any year. Want to see detail? Just drill down to get a detailed view of My Time.

Manage multiple matters concurrently with Quick Timers

Today’s timekeepers are often working on several matters simultaneously and need the ability to quickly and easily record time when something comes up. iTimekeep’s new timer grid provides the ability to see all existing timers together, immediately start a new timer for any suggested matter or start a new entry.

Time Validation Errors empower timekeepers to resolve compliance issues before time is submitted*

We show timekeepers exactly which timecards contain billing errors and what’s needed to fix them so that the violation can be resolved before it reaches the invoice.

Now there is a simple and easy way to print your current view, with all details, including OCG Live™ Violations (errors, warnings and info).

Identify and fix compliance issues on the spot with the OCG Live™ Violations Indicator*

From their desktop, timekeepers now have the ability to know exactly which timecards have violations associated with them as well as the ability to resolve them (personally, or in collaboration with legal assistants) before time is released to the billing department.

For iTimekeep (Mobile)

Begin tracking time in an instant with Quick Timers

From a mobile device, immediately start a new timer for any suggested matter or start a new one from any view.

Spot, filter and resolve compliance issues at the point of time entry with the OCG Live™ Violations Indicator*

From their mobile device, timekeepers can now identify which timecards have billing violations and fix them before they reach the pre-bill/invoice, giving power to attorneys to manage compliance for their clients at the place where rejections originate.

Easily drill down, add entries, and review in one Supercharged Calendar View from your mobile device

We have made it easier to be in control of your time, whether monthly or daily, from your mobile device. Timekeepers now have the ability to view timecards for a given day through the calendar view, and then edit or add time as needed, day by day, from the same screen.

OCG Live for iTimekeep

Take the fast and easy path to fix violations before they reach the client with the Dynamic OCG Live™ Violations Report*

Staying on top of compliance is a priority for most firms and we have now made it easier to manage than ever before. For OCG Live™ customers receiving daily reports on revenue at risk by way of billing compliance violations, we’ve created a fast and easy way to fix violations on the spot or assign a correction to a timekeeper or staff member. The new Violations Report allows you to search violations for any day​, filter and sort by any field​, view the guideline/rule, and export to Excel and email.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Curious about how the Summer 2019 Release could affect for your workflow? We’re here to answer your questions. Browse the topics below and click for answers.


When will these new features be available

The features will be available 12 AM July 21, 2019.

Is there anything I need to do?

If you are an administrator, notify your timekeepers of the change. If you are a timekeeper, update your app after the release takes place or enable automatic updates. Otherwise, no action is required.

How can I ensure my timekeepers are using the latest version?

Encourage your timekeepers to update their mobile app after the release takes place or enable automatic updates. Desktop changes will go live at the time of the release.

Do I need to communicate anything to my timekeepers?

There are several amazing new features for timekeepers included in this release, so it is strongly encouraged that you give them a heads up and get them excited. You can use this template to brief them on what’s coming.

Enhanced Navigation

Why did we enhance the navigation?

At Aderant, we understand that not all timekeepers work the same way. Some work contemporaneously, some work constructively, some use the help of assistants, while others go back and forth between the two extremes to take advantage of flexibility. In order to remove barriers to time entry, as we are committed to doing, we must ensure that iTimekeep is flexible!

What does enhanced navigation do?

We’ve added a new header to the desktop interface with four buttons: My Time, Dashboard, Calendar, and Timers. The timekeeper will be able to switch their view based on their work style and it will be “sticky,” meaning that it will reopen that view upon their next login.

Which view is best for each work style and how can they best be leveraged?

My Time: Works for flexible timekeepers: sometimes contemporaneous, sometimes reconstructive. This view is great for traditional iTimekeep users as well as those who want a quick way to enter time.

Dashboard: Formerly known as “stats,” this view allows the reconstructive timekeeper to fix or review timecards and fill their missing time gaps. This is ideal for the user who doesn’t enter his/her own time but wants to stay on top of their performance and identify missing time at a glance.

Calendar: This view allows the reconstructive timekeeper to review timecards submitted by day and week and fill their missing time gaps. This is great for new users that are accustomed to working out of a calendar view.

Timers: Built for the contemporaneous timekeeper to provide a single view for managing concurrent timers. This is a helpful view for new users that are accustomed to “quick timers view” already existing in their timekeeping systems.

How can timekeepers perform basic iTimekeep functions?

From any view, timekeepers can perform basic functions such as adding time, starting a timer and printing.

How can I print and report?

Timekeepers can immediately print from any view (and time period) and will receive a beautiful report with all the timecard information.

What happened to 'Stats?'

‘Stats’ is now referred to as ‘Dashboard’ in both the desktop and mobile applications.

What happened to 'worked?'

‘Worked’ now appears as ‘work hours.’

Quick Timers

Why Quick Timers?

Today’s timekeepers are often working on several matters concurrently and need the ability to quickly and easily record time when something comes up. iTimekeep’s new Timers view provides the ability to easily manage existing timers and quickly start new timers so that no time goes unrecorded.

Quick Timers:

  1. Support the contemporaneous timekeeper and encourage contemporaneous timekeeping. Because they often work on several matters concurrently, they need the ability to quickly and easily create and move from one timer to another and minimize the number of clicks.
  2. Be more competitive when bringing firms using legacy systems. Although the Quick Timer is a great feature, it was a requirement for us to incorporate into iTimekeep. Legacy systems had it and newly converted users were expecting to have this.

What's a Quick Timer

The Quick Timer button allows timekeepers to immediately start a new timecard with a running timer, reducing the number of clicks needed. On desktop, timekeepers will have the additional option to choose a suggested matter. The button exists within each desktop view.

How do Quick Timers work?

In the desktop app, Quick Timers allow users to immediately start a new timer for any suggested matter listed from any view. This will reduce the number of clicks needed to track time. Timekeepers can simply hover over the QuickTimer icon to view suggested matters or click on the Quick Timer icon to create an empty timecard.

In the mobile app, Quick Timers are available by tapping on the Quick Timer icon.

OCG Live Violation™ Indicator

Why did we create an OCG Live™ Violation Indicator?

Until now, the only way to identify a timecard with a guideline violation was via the OCG Live™ Violations Report. Largely, this left timekeepers with no easy way to tell which timecards returned point of time entry violations after they clicked “fix it later.” Our goal with this enhancement is to bring visibility to all users so they can easily and quickly spot check and fix violations to client guidelines.

How can I spot a violation generated by the indicator?

This new indicator will appear on the My Time screen on the timecards that have returned an “Error” OCG Live™ violation.

Will timecards that have a 'warning' or 'info' violation be included in the indicator?

No, the indicator will only include ‘error’ violations. ‘Warning’ and ‘info’ can be ignored, so they will not show this indicator.

Can I see details on the violation that is being flagged in the indicator?

Not only can users spot an OCG Live™ violation from any My Time view, they can now see all details of violations (info, warning, error) by opening the timecard.

Can I print a list of timecard with OCG Live™ violations?

Sure can! By printing a report of your time entries from the My Time screen, you will be able to see a printed version of all violations.

Must I have access to OCG Live™ to see timecards with violations?

Yes, you must have an OCG Live™ subscription with point of time entry enabled to take advantage of the Violation Indicator.

How can I view a list of timecards that have violations so that I can address them?

You can filter violations (errors, warnings, info) in one view so that you can fix or print them.

Dynamic OCG Live™ Violations Report

Why was the OCG Live™ Violations Report designed?

We believe that in order for firms to successfully manage billing guidelines, information on violations to client rules must be actionable. The Dynamic OCG Live™ Violations Report not only provides a detailed list of guideline violations, but gives the firm the ability to fix violations on the spot or assign corrections to a timekeeper or staff member.

How does the OCG Live™ Violations Report work?

OCG Live™ admins receive a daily email with a summary of violations and link to the OCG Live™ Violations Report including the day’s violations. From the portal, admins will have easy access to correct any timecard violations or assign them to others. Users have the ability to search for violations based on any given day. When an entry is fixed and the report is refreshed, results and summary values will be updated for the day.

How can I filter/sort entries?

Users can filter out entries by any of the headers in the grid. This is helpful when looking for all violations by client/matter, timekeeper or any other columns. Values can be sorted by clicking on the column.

How do I view details/guidelines/rules for an entry?

Users can immediately know all details of an entry and its violation, guidelines associated to the timecard and rule that triggered the violation. This is a great tool for admins to quickly spot the source of the violation.

Can I choose which columns to display in the Dynamic OCG Live™ Violations Report?

Users can choose which columns to display in the grid report. When a field is moved from available to current, it will become a column.

Can I export the Dynamic OCG Live™ Violations Report?

Users can export the report to Excel or email the report to the policy owners. All entries for that date will be included in the report. Users can then email tailored and filtered results to others at the firm to fix in the T&B System.

Which actions are available for admins to take in the Dynamic OCG Live™ Violations Report?

Admins will be able to export the report details as an Excel spreadsheet allowing them to manipulate the data however they wish. Report details can be sorted and filtered by column values. Columns can also be added or hidden from report details. Violations in the report detail can be emailed to the accountable timekeeper.

What will the OCG Violations view contain?

New OCG Violations view will contain all the previous report detail fields: Client, Matter, Timekeeper Name, Timekeeper ID, Timecard ID, Work Date, Kind of Violation, and Violation Message. It will also include the guideline’s name, rule name, and a fee amount (if available).

How can I see the details of a violation in the report?

Each violation in the report includes buttons to show the timecard details and go to the associated rule or guidelines.

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