Spring 2019 Product Release

What’s Included in this Release

For Attorneys

Know More, Do More

The notable management consultant Peter Drucker is known for his famous quote “What’s measured improves.” We’re firm believers of this and also that what you don’t know, can hurt you. The truth is, what firms don’t know today, whether it is how many dollars are at risk due to non compliance or how individual timekeeping behavior is trending against targets – is hurting them.

One of the aspects of Aderant’s culture that we’re most proud of is our commitment to data driven decision making. We use data to drive decision making across the company, from customer success to sales and marketing. It’s a core part of who we are and how we operate and now we’re proud to bring more of that capability to our customer base.

When we know better, we do better, that’s why we’re bringing you visibility into timekeeping performance and billing compliance to help you make decisions, take action and adopt better behavior and habits to preserve the health and sustainability of your firm.

Attorney Time Reporting

With Attorney time reporting, timekeepers can review all of the timecards that they’ve (or their assistants) entered in a given day, week or month in one, easy-to-read view, without the inefficient and time-consuming process of reviewing individual timecards.

Timer History

iTimekeep now includes a timer audit trail to help timekeepers and history as to when timers were started and stopped.

Single Sign On

Enjoy the convenience of the ability to login to iTimekeep via Single Sign On (SSO) with Azure AD. There is no longer a need for users to memorize a unique set of credentials, thus simplifying the user experience.

OCG Live for Executives and Finance Professionals

OCG Live Executive and Financial Reporting

Law firm executives get weekly and monthly reports on the status of your firm’s compliance with billing guidelines. Identify the clients and timekeepers with the most revenue at risk, so that you can take action before it results in revenue loss for your firm.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Curious about how the Spring 2019 Release could affect for your workflow? We’re here to answer your questions. Browse the topics below and click for answers.


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When will these new features be available

This release is scheduled to go live at midnight on Saturday, May 11, 2019.

Is there anything I need to do?

No special action will need to be taken, however any iTimekeep users who do not have automatic updates turned on for their mobile devices will need to update the iTimekeep application manually after the release goes live.

How can I ensure my timekeepers are using the latest version?

Please instruct them enable automatic updates or visit the App store or Play store from their device to download the latest version after it goes live.

Do I need to communicate anything to my timekeepers?

It’s a great idea to keep timekeepers in the loop about the new capabilities they can take advantage of! Everything they’ll need to know about the new features is drafted for you to share in this communication template.


Attorney Time Reporting

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Where do I find the new Time Reporting tool?

Users can find this new feature under “Reporting” in the iTimekeep Desktop main menu.

What file types are able to be exported?

The user may choose either an Excel spreadsheet or a PDF for their timecard reports.

How much data can be exported at a given time?

We expect most reporting to be done on a monthly basis, however any iTimekeep user may export up to 6 months of data at a time.


Timer History

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Why Timer History?

Timer History allows iTimekeep users to see a linear record of the changes made to an active timer, as well as a timestamp for each Pause, Resume, or Nudge. For each timer event, the user will have the ability to “Revert” to that specific time.

Quick Timers:

  1. Support the contemporaneous timekeeper and encourage contemporaneous timekeeping. Because they often work on several matters concurrently, they need the ability to quickly and easily create and move from one timer to another and minimize the number of clicks.
  2. Be more competitive when bringing firms using legacy systems. Although the Quick Timer is a great feature, it was a requirement for us to incorporate into iTimekeep. Legacy systems had it and newly converted users were expecting to have this.

How can my iTimekeep users view their Timer History?

When a timer is active, the history can be accessed by clicking on the counter.

Will I be able to report using Timer History?

Timer History is designed to improve the accuracy of a timecard’s work hours. At this time the feature does not support reporting.


Single Sign On

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What are the basic requirements for enabling SSO for iTimekeep?

iTimekeep Single Sign On will work for clients who utilize Azure AD using Microsoft Identity Platform (v2.0) endpoints.

What are the steps I need to take to enable SSO for my firm?

If you have a site license and Microsoft Azure Active Directory, reach out to [email protected] and our friendly staff will gladly walk you through the steps to take.

Does SSO work with anything other than Azure AD? (OneLogin, Okta, 0Auth, etc.)

Each system is a little different. Generally, as long as it works alongside Microsoft Azure Active Directory it should work. Contact [email protected] to find out if Single Sign On is right for your firm.


OCG Live Executive and Financial Reporting

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How can I get access to OCG Live?

Reach out to [email protected] and we’ll get you up and running.

How does the OCG Live Executive and financial reporting compare to the OCG Live Violations Report?

OCG Live Executive and Financial Reporting provides a new level of visibility for the firm. Firms will have access to a holistic view of the firm’s compliance, by way of how much revenue is at risk, the amount of revenue protected by implementing OCG Live, and which timekeepers or clients are at risk due to non-compliance with billing guidelines (e-billing or not). The violations report, on the other hand, provides the billing staff with a tactical solution to to manage the actual violations that are causing trouble in the collections cycle.

How can I start receiving OCG Live Executive and Financial reports?

It’s easy. Simply reach out to [email protected] and our staff will happily arrange for you to start receiving these reports on a weekly and monthly basis.

What is the difference between resolved and recovered?

In this report you’ll see some new terminology. “Resolved” refers to a timecard that has all associated errors and warning corrected at point of time entry. Not every violation will be fully corrected however, if there is some leeway in what can be accepted with special permission, for instance. Such a timecard will be considered part of the “Recovered Revenue,” but will not be considered fully “Resolved.”


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