May 2020 Product Release

May 2020 Release

What’s Included in this Release

For iTimekeep (Mobile and Desktop)

Supporting Regional Requirements

iTimekeep is known for its simplicity and speed to create accurate and compliant timecards.  As iTimekeep expands globally, so do the requirements to support international timekeepers.  To support regional user requirements the iTimekeep Portal has been enhanced to include three new firm options to control a number of Display Settings within the Configuration of iTimekeep.

Date Format – Allows the firm administrator to set the default date format for all users.  This will set the default value at the user level but can be overridden by the user in their iTimekeep Desktop or Mobile Settings.  Default value is the current format of Month/Day/Year.

Calendar Format – Allows the firm administrator to set the starting day of the week in the Monthly and Weekly Calendar views for all users.  This will set the default value for the user level but can be overridden by the user in their iTimekeep Desktop or Mobile Settings.  Default value is the current starting day of Sunday.

Time Format – Allows the firm administrator to set the format for recording work hours – in either Decimal format (the default), or Hours and Minutes (HH:MM).  This will be used as the default value for all users but can be overridden by the user in their iTimekeep Desktop or Mobile Settings.  Default value is the current Decimal format.


Access additional materials to learn more about how we are delivering compliance at the point of time entry with iTimekeep.

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