iTimekeep administrators and assistants can generate reports on up to a maximum of five timekeepers. Reports detail different clients and matters across the specified timecard statuses, and contain grouping and sorting options to organize the results.
For information on quickly generating simple reports, see Reporting.
Note: Users with the ‘Timekeeper Only’ role can only generate reports on themselves.
To generate a report:
- Open the hamburger menu.
- Select Enhanced Reporting. The reporting tool opens.
- Choose whether to generate the report in Excel or PDF format. The generated report will be sent via email.
- Select a date from either a predefined set of options, or choose a date range using the date picker.
- Select clients from the Add Clients window.
- Select the statuses you want to report on. These statuses are based on the billable status and the timecard’s state.
- (Optional) Add additional layers to the report by selecting the + Add Criteria button under the sort section.
- (Optional) If your intended output is PDF, select a Primary Group By and Secondary Group By.