Timecard Statuses

Timecard status is indicated with a color-coded tag. The different statuses and their meanings are described below:

Status Example Description
DRAFT The timecard is incomplete and has not been submitted to the billing system yet. When a timecard is in this state, it only exists in iTimekeep.
ERROR The timecard is missing mandatory, required information after a bulk submit/release action, or there was a connectivity issue that prevented the timecard from reaching the billing system database.
SUBMITTED The timecard has been successfully transmitted to the billing system. This generally means that the entry has not been Released, Finalized or Posted.
RELEASED The timecard has been Released, Finalized or Posted, and is being prepared for the billing process. The majority of MS SQL billing systems allow for Released timecards to be edited up until they are in the Prebill of Proforma stage.

Note: If the status indicator has a closed lock icon, the timecard cannot be edited.

SAVING This is a temporary status that may briefly display as the timecard is being submitted to the billing system.

Note: If a user’s connection to the billing system is interrupted, the timecard may become stuck as Saving. Stuck entries can be reset to Save Pending, accessed from the Unsubmitted Timecards report in the Admin portal, or they can be deleted if the entry has already been duplicated and submitted.

Validation Errors

Timecards may display validation errors when being submitted to your firm’s billing system. The validation errors will provide information on what you will need to fix prior to reattempting their timecard submission. Timecards will typically receive validation errors due to the following reasons:

  • The timecard is unable to reach the database
  • Bulk Submit includes an entry with empty fields
  • OCG Live validation errors or warnings apply to the timecard

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