
The calendar displays your daily and weekly totals in a month-by-month view.

The calendar summarizes the following data:

  • Grand total of work hours entered
  • Released and unreleased time
  • Billable and non-billable time subtotals
  • Drafted time
  • Time with validation errors
  • Accountable time

    Note: Accountable time will not display by default and must first be enabled by your firm’s administrator.

When you hover your cursor over a calendar cell, two icons will display in the upper-right corner:

  • The Add Time icon, , which opens the Add Time pop-up.
  • The Suggested Time View icon, , which opens the Suggested Time View. For more information, see Suggested Time View.

Customizing the Calendar

By default, the calendar displays in the Grid view, represented by the icon. You can change the view by clicking the List view icon, :

To hide or reorder time total categories, click on the Settings icon. The toggles that are available to you can vary depending on your firm’s billing system integration or administrator-configured permissions.

Time total categories can also be hidden and reordered in the iTimekeep settings menu. For more information, see iTimekeep Settings.

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