Creating Rule Actions

OCG Live Rule Actions is where the Action to be performed is defined.  Each Rule can create an Error, Warning or Information message, a Task or Send a Guideline Summary.  Also, on the Actions screen you can say if the Rule applies to All, Timekeeper or Billing.  Here is when you would use each of these:

  • Errors can flag the timekeeper to fix the issue at the point of time entry. Errors will appear on the Daily OCG Violations Report and need to be addressed before a timekeeper can submit their time.
  • Warnings notify a user at the point of time entry; however, they do allow a user to save without addressing the issue. Warnings also appear on the Daily OCG Violations Report that the billing department sees.
  • Information messages can provide a timekeeper with an informational message at the point of time entry; however, they will not appear on the Daily OCG Violations Report.
  • (EARLY Adopters ONLY) Unless paired with an Error, Warning or Information message, Create a Task actions do not provide a visible message to a timekeeper. They are most commonly used to create a Task or a ‘to do’ item for a member of the billing department.  Tasks that are assigned to a designee will show up under that user’s personal Tasks when the action is triggered.  Those that are not assigned to a designee will display under the general firm Tasks within the Unassigned section but can be assigned later by an OCG Administrator.
  • (EARLY Adopters ONLY) When a timekeeper submits time on a new client/matter or a defined period of time after their initial submission, Send a Guideline Summary will send an email to the timekeeper asking for acknowledgement of the Timekeeper Summary. If paired with a Create a Task action, they can also create a Task for a timekeeper so you can track the Guideline Acknowledgement.  NOTE:  It is recommended to also setup an Information message that pops up and tells the user to check their email to review and acknowledge the guideline.

Creating Rule Actions

Note: Users can select a default designee for a task or allow the task to be unassigned

Creating Rule Actions

Note: Currently, the Guideline summary that is transmitted to users by default is the one within the Timekeepers tab. Eventually, other tabs will be able to be sent.

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